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E-ClothScreen Cloth and Spray Cleaning Pack


Retail: R250

Cleaning screens and electrical equipment can be hazardous, with modern electronics being so sensitive; harsh chemical cleaners or heavy handling are out of the question. E-Cloth’s de-ionised water spray and anti-static cloth give you a safe, gentle and effective way to clean your electronics with ease.

How to use?

  • Wipe the surface with the cloth dry to remove any dust particles
  • Spray a little liquid onto the screen
  • Wipe the surface with the dry cloth
  • The Spray delivers a fine mist of non-conductive de-ionised water but, if runs occur, immediately wipe away the excess.

Screen Cloth:

A finely woven antistatic cloth that removes greasy marks, dust, dirt and bacteria from your computer screen, leaving it clean and clear. E-Cloth fibres are 1000 times finer than cotton fibres, giving you superior cleaning and polishing performance.

  • 35 x 35cm
  • Anti-static
  • Won’t scratch or damage screen surfaces
  • Keeps use of liquid to a minimum
  • Guaranteed 300 machine washes

Screen Spray:

  • 100% natural and safe
  • No harsh chemical detergents
  • Non-conductive
  • Approx. 300 applications
Product Specifications:
  • Care Instructions
    • A warm rinse is often enough in day to day use. Machine wash regularly up to 60°C, using a little detergent and rinse well. If too much detergent is used, cleaning performance may be reduced, in which case, hot wash without any detergent.
    • The cloth will benefit from an occasional hot wash at 90°C or sterilising by boiling in just water.
    • Tumble or hang dry.
  • DO NOT use bleach, which damages the fibres or fabric conditioner, which inhibits performance. If used by mistake, rewash with a little detergent.
  • Note: Colour may run
  • Wash new cloths separately.

Did You Know? Your mobile phone is one of the dirtiest surfaces you come into contact with – and the one with the most bacteria! Be sure to clean your phone regularly using the E-Cloth Screen Cleaning Kit.

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