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Yungskin™Day Cream (50ml)


Retail: R430

This light-bodied moisturiser contains the finest natural essential oils, moisturising actives and has collagen-building properties. It is designed to stimulate targeted acupuncture face-lifting points on the face and neck, restoring the skin’s vitality and youthfulness.

Product Features
  • Key ingredients that set this product apart include:
    • Niacinamide
    • Made from niacin, also known as vitamin B3. Found in all cells where it plays an important role in cellular energy production.
    • Hydrolyzed Soybean Fibre
    • This high-quality vegetable sourced protein fights the signs of ageing by boosting collagen synthesis.
    • Sodium Hyaluronate
    • Found naturally in the dermis of the skin. It is a natural ingredient that is non-toxic and won’t harm or irritate the skin.
  • Benefits of applying Face Cream Day on a daily basis include:
    • Restoring your skin’s vitality.
    • Rejuvenating and regenerating skin cells. Tightening skin.
    • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes.
  • Directions for use
    • Gently massage into cleansed, toned skin, in the morning before applying make-up or other skincare products. Wait approximately 60 seconds for the energies to stimulate the specific Acupuncture points and then use your regular cosmetics as usual. Because of the energy infusion process, it is advised to apply face cream for 2 weeks. 

For more info, please visit Yungskin

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We're not sure if you've noticed, but there are a great many different products on sale today.

That means each of 'em will need their own witty blurb, and well, that's really way more than we'd like to write.

So, we're doing what any motivated slacker (talk about paradoxes) would've done and figuring out the easiest route to keeping everyone happy.

We're effectively combining the excitement of writing words with just sitting here.

Is it working?

We'll take that as a yes.