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Product media

BurblePixHard Cover A4 Personalized Photobook


Retail: R480
Excludes shipping
ETA: 5-10 working days




Your personalised voucher code(s) will be emailed to you within 2 working days of placing your order. Should you not receive the voucher within that time frame, please check your Spam or Junk folder before contacting us.

NOTE: Shipping per voucher is R79, because the supplier needs to effect delivery to you. This negates the need to pay a second shipping fee with them when you redeem your voucher.

Product Dimensions: 205 x 280mm

How it works:

  • Pay R249 and get a voucher from BurblePix to the value of R480
  • The voucher can be used towards a 24 page 205 x 280mm (A4) personalized hard cover photo book 
  • We will email you within a day or 2 with your voucher*
  • Delivery of your photo book will be via courier
  • To get started, download our free software at
  • You have until the 1st of June 2018 to use your voucher.
  • Vouchers not used will be forfeited.
  • Contact 031 701 8019 or for support
  • Per unit delivery charge. 

About the photobook:

  • 24 standard pages (you can add more up to 100 at an additional cost)
  • Paper Stock: 170gsm
  • Binding: Hard cover personalised bound books
  • Print Type: High definition digital press


  • To redeem: enter the voucher number in the order process once you have completed your photobook
  • If your order is above R480 you can pay the difference by using the credit card or EFT option during the order process
  • If your order is below R480 at final checkout you will forfeit the difference
  • Allow for 7 to 10 working days for delivery once BurblePix has received files and payment
  • BurblePix terms and conditions apply (
  • Voucher issued and valid once deal closes
  • Contact 031 701 8019 or for support
  • Per unit delivery charge.
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We'd bet anything that the poncho was designed by a man

And you know how we know this?

Simple: it's simple. Cut a hole in a piece of fabric and call it a day simple.

The poncho is the clothing equivalent of the Japanese flag. If we were to list step-by-step instructions on how to make one yourself, there'd be no Step Two.

If you're wondering how this ties into today's deals, it doesn't. These are just the things we think about when we're tasked with writing blurbs but we're completely out of inspiration.