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OneDayOnlyBreakup Gift Voucher



Delivered to your inbox


How it works:
  • Select your favourite design and then select the Rand value you'd like to gift.
  • Be sure to enter the name and email address of the gift voucher recipient. 
  • This is important, without the correct email address the gift voucher will get stuck in cyber space without an inbox to call home.
  • The gift voucher will be sent to the recipient as soon as we have received your payment and we wil, just in case, send you a copy of the gift voucher code to the email used for your OneDayOnly account.
  • Gift vouchers are valid for 3 years from date of purchase.
  • If the recipient has any issues with redeeming their gift voucher they can log a ticket with our gifted customer service team who will sort them out in no time!
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